Thursday, September 25, 2008

So we're all pretty much screwed.

So according to CNN, the economic package talks have fallen through because the House Republicans think it's too pricey. That's nice. Do you have any better ideas, or should I go ahead and reserve my spot in the bread line? I wanna get there early, you know, before it gets stale.

Oh and yes folks, according to a new CBS interview Sarah "I can see Russia from my house" Palin really does think that Alaska's "proximity" to Russia enhances her foreign policy credentials. As she says..."It's right there!" You'd think the Governor lived across the street from Red Square, not, you know, somewhere in the same general hemisphere as Siberia, which is more the case. So Tina, err, Sarah, big bad Vlad Putin lives in Moscow, which is quite a ways from Alaska, not Siberia. Why don't you go walk across the land bridge and see for yourself?

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