Thursday, September 18, 2008

Post convention bounce over?

So according to CNN, Senator Obama is inching back in front in the National Polls. Personally I think this is a good thing, though I'm sure there are a fair number of the "Obama is a closet Muslim" people who don't. Apparently, Palin's favorable/unfavorable ratings are dropping as well. Is the honeymoon over?

Everybody see the SNL Palin/Clinton skit? Hilarious. Tina Fey really nailed it I thought. "I can see Russia from my house!"

On news of a more personal nature, my wife and I helped build a church and we didn't even know it! My wife's parent's got a booklet from All Souls Catholic church in Sanford, Florida, and it listed all the people who donated to help build their new building. Surprisingly, we were listed! We never contributed to the building fund, so the only thing I can think of is that they used some of our money that paid to get married at the old church. So that's kind of cool. Kind of proud of that, it's a beautiful building.

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