Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fantasy Epics and Fairytales.

So last week I made my wife watch all three Lord of the Rings movies, not really her box of rocks, but she gamely sat through them and held her ridicule down enough, for the most part, to keep my from becoming aggravated at her poking fun at some of my favorite movies.

I'm happy to report that these movies still move me as much today as they did when I first saw them.

Anyway, in return for making her watch those, I sat through a movie called "The Tenth Kingdom," one of her favorites. It was originally a mini series from a few years back, kind of incorporating the old fairy tales with a more modern flavor. I was pleasantly surprised, it was pretty good. I'd suggest anybody who likes fantasy or the old fairy tales to check this out, rent it or something. You won't be disappointed.

Procul Harum and magic mushrooms for everybody!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you make her sit through the Theatrical Cut or the Extended Cut?