Friday, October 17, 2008

Social Suicide

Less than three weeks to go now until the big day. Everyday I take a look at the polls on as well as various electoral map predictions from MSNBC (In Chuck Todd we trust) and CNN among others. I try to let all this console me into thinking that Obama really is going to win. Still, maybe it's because I'm voting absentee in the great state of Florida this year, but I have this nagging feeling that somehow McSame/Failin are going to come out on top.

I know! I know the polls say different. McCain has already pulled out of the Great Lake States for the most part, and Obama seems to have a solid lead in Colorado. The electoral projections show me that if Obama wins the Great Lakes States and Colorado, he's pretty much got it in the bag without Ohio and Florida even making a difference. Still, I just can't shake the feeling that it's not going to work out like that in the end. Personally I think McCain will win both Ohio and Florida. Go figure.

I'm nervous. Everybody vote! I would love to see this thing be over early on election night, but my spidey sense tells me otherwise. Plus, I figure that the reason McSame and Failin are making a big deal out of this Acorn thing is so that they can say the results are tainted and the election stolen from them. Remember Florida 2000 my dear Republican friends? You guys are the experts on stolen elections.

Too bad McCain can't always be funny like he was at that memorial dinner. He was way better than Obama there.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Thoughts on the first round of debates and the current electoral map.

So, one month to go, one month to the most important election we've had in a long while. Watch the economy folks, the Dow down 700 again today, after "the bailout." Way to go government.

It was obvious from the first round of debates that McFailin has no idea about the economy. All the news outlets this weekend are reporting that McSame is going off the economy so he can go totally negative on Obama. I wonder how that will work in the next debate.....

Plus McSame has pulled all his staff out of Michigan, basically conceding the swing state to Obama. Obama is also showing growing leads in Ohio, Florida, Virginia, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and other states. McSame pretty much has to win all of those to even have a shot at this thing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Still however, I wouldn't put some dirty tricks past the GOP yet again, cause hey, Florida is in play.