Monday, August 10, 2009

Book Thoughts: "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America" by Chris Hedges

Normally I just post what I write on my Shelfari page for these little entries about books, but I decided to go into more depth for this one.

"American Fascists" is a compelling read. At first off, someone from the Christian world might try to dismiss it by saying the author is some sort of liberal quack that really doesn't know what he's taking about. Well, that's entirely incorrect. Chris Hedges has graduated from Harvard Divinity school and was raised in the house of a Presbyterian Minister. Speaking as someone who grew up in the midst of a lot of the right wing speak, I can vouch that Hedges knows what he's talking about.

The main premise of the book is that a small, but radical element within Evangelical Christianity has largely hijacked modern Christianity, gained political influence, and is in the process of attempting to turn America into a quasi-militant Christian state, where strict Biblical moral codes will be enforced and those who disagree will be either banished or eliminated in the name of Christ.

Sound a bit alarmist? Well it did to me at first too. Even me, a fairly rabid liberal was a little hesitant to buy in at first, but Hedges makes his case strongly. When I add his writings to what I experienced growing up in a mainstream Protestant church, it's a little scary.

First off, Hedges talks about the retooling of the Christian faith to meet the radical right wing agenda. Those in control of this movement cherry pick the Bible to form what they believe is a scripture supported belief system of dos and don'ts. They then use a fine brush to paint everything in black and white, saying if you're not for God you're against him and they're going to wipe you out.

According to Hedges, this approach plays really well in a new American age where economic prosperity has turned to ruin and in despair, people look for someone or something to blame. Those to blame are the opponents of the stringent moral philosophy: liberals, gays, unions, organized women's groups, non-hard line Protestants, and left wing Catholics. Ultra right wing Protestants, together with some elements of the LDS faith and Right-Wing leaning Catholics will continue to push their ideals until a "Christian" United States is established.

This new State will subjugate women, persecute and drive out homosexuals, and stamp out any dissent. They will play all of this as being anti-God, and Anti-Christ. Racist trappings will seep in as many of these elements in the hard core right have close ties to Racist organizations such as the Aryan Nations Movement, Christian Identity, and even the Ku Klux Klan.

After the creation of the Christian United States is established, the movement will seek what they believe is a God-given dominion over all the earth, waging wars to do away with the enemies if Christ and seeking to bring about the Apocalyptic violence in the last days as recorded in the Book of Revelation and popularized in the mind-numbingly idiotic "Left Behind" series. Basically they will seek to bring about the end of Days and the return and 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ on Earth.

Sound scary? You betcha. Possible? Yep.

However, even Hedges doesn't believe that this is inevitable at this point. The 2006 and 2008 elections have dealt a heavy blow this movement, a sign that they have overplayed their hand. However, the movement has suffered body blows before and according to Hedges it is the responsibility of more tolerant minded and liberal Christians to stand up, call a spade a spade, and repudiate this horrific perversion of a faith that was supposed to be all about love and compassion.

I would highly recommend this book, it may open your eyes and help you see the radical right wing in a new light. It might even prompt you to take action.

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