Thursday, September 9, 2010

Book Thoughts: "Letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris

Dawkins is Scientific, Hitchens is journalistic. Sam Harris writes his arguments against God in a simple, well thought out letter format. Whether you're religious or not, you should read this book. It will make you think. I doubt it's really going to change anyone's mind, but it at least ought to get you thinking about the belief system so many of us cling to.

One area Harris spends a lot of time on is the "moral authority" of the Bible. He in fact points out more than one scripture in both the old and new testaments that explicitly promotes the practice of slavery, something any civilized person in this day and age would say is both horrible and wrong.

Harris begs to confront you with the question: Either the Bible is the perfect word of a divine being or it isn't. There's no in between. Maybe you don't think it's that black and white, but if more people would actually think about that question, our world might be a totally different place today, considering how much of a prescription for our society we find in the "good book."

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